Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lettuce and Mint

I am still waiting to transplant the tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants and the gourds. The weather is still cool for these heat loving plants. I was busy throughout the week and today noticed the larger leaves of the lettuce in the planter box on the patio. So is the mint which has over 4" leaves! This the first time we had mint with such large leaves. Probably this was due to the compost tea and fish fertilizer-that's my straight forward interpretation.

Meanwhile the butternut squash has sprouted. Two of the four seedlings died. This was due to exposure to cold as I kept them on the patio on a sunny day but it was the cold wind which did the damage.


  1. Have never set eyes on such a large mint leaf ever!
    Happy gardening :)

  2. GoodEarth - thanks for the comments!... just checked your interesting blog!!

  3. The plants look so healthy! Glad I found your blog.

  4. Thanks for the comment! We are amazed to see the huge 5" leaves. Glad that we planted it in the planter box and not in the ground!
